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    Saint Dominic's Flashback: Van Morrison's Classic Album, Forty Years On
Previous Journal Entries

"The cords of all link back...strandentwining cable...

"Hello...put me on to Edenville... aleph, alpha: nought, nought, one"


One more day...

In the latest astonishing manifestation of my technical wizardry (which is second only to my DIY skills...), I believe new posts here will be fed automatically to facebook and twitter - there's a button to press on the left hand side of the page if you'd like to follow on twitter.

A quick recommendation for the latest Balcony TV London programme featuring Vancouver band Brasstronaut.  I've ordered their album on the strength of it, so more to follow on them...


Two more days...

Time dragging a little but in to a very pleasant run of lunches and drinks with old colleagues.  Tough but someone has to do it...

Robert Wyatt's lovely version of 'What a Wonderful World' from his For The Ghosts Within album with Gilad Atzmon and Ros Stephen feels like a good soundtrack. Vinyl fetishists will want to know that the album comes as a 3-sided set, which sounds superb.  Review to follow.

Haven't yet listened to all of Bob Dylan's Witmark Demos, but the bonus disc of the Brandeis University concert from 1963 is tremendous - amazing confidence and power in a compelling performance from a young man revelling in riding the wave that carried him through the sixties.


Le Noise and counting the days...

I have now added a piece on Neil Young's album to the review section - here. The 'deluxe' vinyl version is overpriced, but very nicely done:  heavy vinyl, heavy card, gatefold, lyric sheet.  You know it makes sense...

Just a week and a half to go before I leave the civil service.  Can't resist quoting from a lovely farewell message from an old colleague:

' a completely green asylum caseworker in (if memory serves) 1992, I was hugely impressed to see my then leader (i.e. you) propping up the bar at the Brixton Academy at a David Byrne gig.'

It's those sorts of things that really matter...I have standards to live up to.


A holding line...

...pending a short holiday. 

Three quick things to register:

  • .dash's Chaika Casino at Theatre Souk is not to be missed - a fascinating piece, very inventively staged.  With a free pinball table and vodka, if you need any more inducements
  • Neil Young's Le Noise is at the top of my current playlist - review to follow.  In fine voice, with solo electric guitar, in a distinctive aural setting from Daniel Lanois (hence the punning title).
  • less convinced by a first listen to Sufjan Stevens' The Age of Adz.  The quirkiness has become ponderous, the melodies less accessible;  I was reminded at times of Rufus Wainwright, showing off - which isn't something to aim for.  Maybe it's a grower...

News (miscellaneous)

See the review section for a great Old Crow Medicine Show gig yesterday. 

Today's cultural highlight was enduring the frustrations of an appalling internet booking system to get tickets for Robert Plant at the Roundhouse in the Electric Proms at the end of October.  Hope he plays 'Harm's Swift Way'...

And on Saturday we're off to Theatre Souk where .dash are providing the Nina Variations on a scene by Chekhov.